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Joe The AC Guy Radio Show Supporting Women’s Leadership Council’s Annual Suit Drive

Guaranteed Reliable Service, Every Time!

rebel refrigeration

Rebel Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is proud to help the Women’s Leadership Council of Southern Nevada get the word out about their Annual Women’s Suit Drive Friday November 7th from 7AM-2PM at NV Energy. There will be drive thru drop off for gently used suits and / or professional attire which will go to charities like: Goodwill Career Connection, Catholic Charities, SAFE House, and others.NV Energy is located at 6226 W. Sahara Avenue.

Thank you also to Big Cat Boxing and Africa Sanchez Law Firm for teaming up with this and their generous donations.

Lastly, is it really true the invention of Air Conditioning is what got Ronald Reagan elected President? Find out at the 33 minute mark.