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Ultimate Heater Tune Up!

Guaranteed Reliable Service, Every Time!
AC & Plumbing

friends on couch

“Get at least $351 of Smart Home Value for just $75 with

my Ultimate Heater Tune Up!”

Dear Friend,

Just like a car, your home’s heating system requires maintenance to run well. If your system isn’t tuned up regularly, it’s like driving…

152,000 miles with NO


And you pay big – with wasted energy, more repairs and less comfort.
But here’s the smartest fix to that problem: Our Fall Ultimate Heater Tune-Up

Here’s what it includes:
Complete safety check up and 14-point adjustment to factory specs. What’s the #1 cause of equipment failure? Dirt and lack of maintenance. It’s worth every penny of our normal $129 price, but you only pay $75.

Repair-Free Guarantee. If you need any repairs this Winter after getting this service, I’ll refund every single penny of your tune-up amount towards any repairs!$75 Value.

Indoor Air Review. We can inspect your air return for you and note any problems or contamination. $59 Value.

115% Return on Investment Guaranteed. You’ll save 115% of your Ultimate Tune-Up cost in energy this Winter over last or we’ll refund the difference. Up to $88 value.

That’s $351 of value for $75. After 19 years of caring service here in Las Vegas, we know how to give you great value. But we’re not dumb…

This offer ends soon. Winter will be on its way, with no reason to discount.

So call (702) 766-9436 now or schedule online to get guaranteed value with our 14-point Ultimate Heater Tune-Up.

P.S. Guarantee: My staff thinks I’m nuts for this, but if you don’t think our service was “Top Notch” then don’t pay us. Really. You deserve to be happy. Call (702) 766-9436 now.

The Fine Print: Winter is December-February. Repairs must be made by us. Fair enough?


Joe Johnson Signature

Joe the AC Guy
